Market in Bangalore


this is bangalore

A snapshot that shows different layers of the city. 

this is bangalore

I got up early and went together with my host to the market, something you shouldnt miss when in India. As Divali is approaching, flowers are the big thing:

this is bangalore

You buy them by arm-length (therfore it might be a good idea to have short armed sellers) and they are lined up in chains. I was told they are all local growns, mostly not in big farms, and transported from villages to little towns until they end up here where resellers for Bangalore buy them. The smell, of course, was beautiful.

this is bangalore

The smell might actually make your head a bit dizzy. But I guess this woman is tired because she got up very early to reserve a good spot at the market.

this is bangalore

So, the other big thing are spices and special roots and wood to burn.

this is bangalore

This is a juicer, powered with gasoline, smelling like "autos" and – I suppose – running for decades already.

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