Good bye NYC

Time goes by fast and i head to Seattle tomorrow already. This is sad, because I started to get a feeling for NY and understand why things are how they are. Today I made it to brighton beach for one hour before heading back all the way up to midtown Manhattan for a meeting. NYC is made up out of very different areas and it I guess there is not one and only typical item. Nonetheless, of course, Manhattan’s towers are very wide recognised as representing NYC. 

But this here is also NYC:

staten island

This is on Staten Island in a green paradise, 5 Minutes busrides from the ferry terminal. While this:

ny impression

this here is in the financial district and just across the tallest towers in the city. 

So, there are always islands of calm and peace one can find. And as the days are very hectical and energy sucking, I stop at those places as often as possible and make a rest. Temperature today again was around 33 Celsius. But in midtown Manhattan it is much hotter.

humans not permitted

this is something for the mobile media freaks: the small says: use mobile or code reader to access. seems that if you are using one of those, you are not considered human anymore 😉


ny impression

another example of lego city manhattan. here like a cut through different ages. i wonder if anyone ever counted these vertical living castles…

so, after a good week here i have to admit that i would choose Brooklyn for living. But of course, I havent seen all and of course, Brooklyn is huge. 

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