Marinduque – my visit to the province

Arranged by a friend I had the opportunity to go to the province in the Philippines to get a sharper picture of the country and understand more what this monster Metro Manila is in comparison to the province, where all the people are from that try to make a living in Manila.

second part of pictures from the Philippines

So, here the ferry is unloading its passengers. It was a safe travel, as the water had been calm. On the way back I was happy using a bigger vessel as the sea was rough.

second part of pictures from the Philippines

taken while driving, so not very focused: the transportation means are used until there is effectively not any space left on the vehicle.

second part of pictures from the Philippines On of the economies, besides coconuts and rice, is butterflyfarming. They sell the butterfly to collectors. Apparently the business is going better than most others on the island.

second part of pictures from the Philippines

It looks very much like an idyllic place, but people are working hard for their livelihood. This is a fisherman’s hut. But also foreigners from overseas are buying lots at the coast and build big houses for their holidays. Mostly these houses are empty and not used. What a waste!

second part of pictures from the Philippines At the Marinduque State College I took the chance to give a lecture on Open Source software and its opportunities for the Global South. The college students are mostly females and they were too shy to ask questions, so they passed them written down on paper. The interest in Open Source was considerable big and maybe I could make them understand that there is a difference in Pirated MS Windows and a "for free" Ubuntu distro.

second part of pictures from the Philippines

The college has some unique features, such as an amusement park that includes the biggest shoe on the island. 

second part of pictures from the Philippines

This is the river that passes Boac, one of the bigger towns on the island. This river was used by copper mining companies and got polluted very heavily. In fact, the mining company has been thrown out of the island after a big desaster where they would not care about anything like cleaning up or helping locals. The river lost its water and is now a shallow small water.

See the Wikipedia article for more info.

I left the island and reached Manila in the evening only to leave for Bangalore the next day.


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Manila Manila Manila

 second part of pictures from the Philippines

This is the church that is located in the huge area of the UP (University of the Philippines). It is an UFO that is open for praying. Mostly students go here to pray they pass their exams. The whole area of the UP is as big as a small city in Germany. And it is the most green place in the city, covered with field and forest. Good air, less noise, good thinking. The UP is and always was home to all dissidents and critical minds in the Philippines. 

second part of pictures from the Philippines

When it rains, it often rains very heavily. And maybe for hours. I was lucky to wait for people inside a friend’s place here in Manila. The rain comes very fast and within 30 seconds you are wet as if you were swimming.

second part of pictures from the Philippines

just around the corner, where I was waiting for people, as it is a huge market area, workers were unloading this truck of bananas.


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So I bought a new camera… Cheap again, maybe it will function at least until the end of my trip…

Today I mostly rode the 3 metro lines,which are going mostly overground and are operated by different companies, so you need different tickets for them. the lines in front of the ticket vendors are easily 100 meters long, so you end up waiting quite a while to buy your ticket. But there are multi-travel tickets…

But I guess famous for the Philippines and also unique are the so called jeepneys:

1st day of taking pictures in metromanila

i could post tons of pictures of them. they all have a different style, but they are not very comfortable for travelling, the more if you are not asian-size grown, as me.

1st day of taking pictures in metromanila

So, they are a colourful spot in the grey and smog-polluted traffic ways

1st day of taking pictures in metromanila

and then there are tricycles with and without human powered engines, here are some human powered ones:

1st day of taking pictures in metromanila

 And shantytowns everywhere. I dont have any numbers, but I guess that a big part of metromanila’s population is living in places like this

1st day of taking pictures in metromanila

from a bit closer, you understand that this is sort of a normal way of living, nothing temporally or rare. the yo Oung people on the photo below are simply hanging out shortly before sunset (which is very fast and the whole year almost exactly at 6 o’clock.

1st day of taking pictures in metromanila

when seeing these buildings, it is more easy to understand why a typhoon and heavy rainfall can cause such desasters. climate change hits the poor people much harder than the rich. this is why climate change is primarily a social issue and should be treated like one. 

tomorrow I will go with some locals to devastated areas that are still suffering a lot from the flood. 

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Manila after the flood

Ketsana has flooded the homes of at least 400000 people here and the body count is around 200, rising. I have been walking around the city most of the day, but my camera refused to witness. I couldnt find a spot where to buy a new one so fast, so what remains are words to report.

Today it was very sunny and hot, this is good for the city to dry a bit, I guess. But the sun was a bit too much for me and so I decided to go home and rest after four hours of strolling around. 

I didnt see many places that were still under water. I saw fireworkers emptying low layered sites, but only rarely. Most of all, I saw mud and trash and dirt all around and everywhere, that started to smell in the sun. I guess this will increase in the next days. The fear of diseases being spread is high. 

Reading local newspapers, the flood is of course the only subject here. For the next weeks it is forbidden to rise prices for basic food and everyone is collecting goods and money for the new homeless people. 

For that purpose, if you want to add a contribution, fellow readers, this is a good and trustworthy address:

						>>> >>> -------- Original Message --------
Subject:        URGENT APPEAL for flood victims in the Philippines
Date:        Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:00:07 -0700 (PDT)
From:        GABRIELA Philippines <>
To:        GABRIELA IR <>
Dear Sisters and Friends,
Yesterday, 26 September, typhoon Ondoy brought tons of rains to
Metro Manila, some parts of southern tagalog and central luzon.
Water in our area in Roxas, Quezon City was three stories high;
whole families had to get-up their roofs for safety where they
had to be rescued.  In Sitio Veterans, Brgy Silangan, four
houses  were swept away by the raging waters from the  river.
Whole families were inside the houses; so far 50 bodies have
already been recovered, many of whom were children. Our members
are helping find some of those who are still lost.  In one of our
areas in Muntinlupa, the overflowing lake and river drove people
out of their homes; some were carried away of the current. So
far, three children are still missing.
Even some of our staff have been affected. Water reached up to
the ceiling of the second floor of the house of Obeth, the
coordinator of our services department. The family of louie, our
nurse, was forced out their house by the fast rising water that
reached to the ceiling of their home. The water rose in seconds
so they had to leave hurriedly with only the clothes on their
back. All are badly in need of food, drinking water, blankets,
clothing and even candles.
We are still awaiting more reports from our chapters. But more
than a hundred families from our areas have sought shelter
outside their homes.
We are appealing for any help you can give.
If the donation is in kind, please directly bring to GABRIELA
office at #35 Scout Delgado, Brgy. Bagong Handa, Quezon City. If
the donation is in cash, please let us know so we can give
instructions on how to send money. Also please cc all e-mails to
Maraming salamat! (Many Thanks)
In solidarity,
Gert Ranjo-Libang
Member, National Secretariat
GABRIELA Philippines
35 Sct. Delgado St, Brgy. Laging Handa
Quezon City, 1103 Philippines
TeleFax: (632) 374 44 23
GABRIELA is a grassroots-based alliance of more than 200 women's
organizations, institutions, desks and programs in the
Philippines. We seek to wage a struggle for the liberation of
women and the rest of our people.


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SMS from Manila

Yesterday I arrived in Manila, only 12 hours after the heaviest rain in decades. I am fine, but a lot of people here have lost their homes and around 10 died in Manila only due to the floodings. 

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the lunch machine


all pics from tokyo first day

it took me a while to find out what this machine is about. first i thought i delivers you a meal. but then i saw that people only bought a ticket. 

so, it turned out that you buy a ticket at the machine and get your meal inside from the kitchen by giving the ticket to the cooks. so what is the machine for? 

no cahier inside? no! you can also simply pay inside. 



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a free afternoon in tokyo

I decided not to work this afternoon but to take the metro into tokyo and wander around.


one day in tokyo

this is an issue of itself: the smoking and non-smoking areas here. Officially smoking outside in the public is not allowed in whole tokyo, but then you are allowed to smoke in cafe’s and in special designated smoking zones. this is small park and the sign is almost as big as a  real traffic sign.

one day in tokyo

of course, i thought that the left box is both, for national and international post, as both is mentioned there. But no! Only the right one is for international post. hmmm.

one day in tokyo

yep, carbon meter. thats what a contempory citizen wants to know: time, temperature and co2 amount.

one day in tokyo

the gasoline from above. i had to look twice. and see how tidy the whole area is! this is japan.

one day in tokyo

the trees. look at the trees. the different green the have. also fine is the view just between grass and trees on the traffic.

one day in tokyono comment. 


bye bye

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In the arcade and manga sphere

Japan has always been the driving force in computer game development and manga phantasies. I had a brief look into that world when visiting a couple of places. The photos are not so good, as taking pictures inside the arcade halls and manga shops is forbidden.

Arcade world

 Arcade world

Arcade world

Arcade world

Arcade world

bye bye

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Konnichiwa Tokyo

My first day in Tokyo was amazing! I had a working meeting in Chiyoda. This was a nice occasion to have a look around a lot of bookstores that are concentrated there. 

all pics from tokyo first day

all pics from tokyo first day all pics from tokyo first day

yes, it is true! there are big and lots of ads everyware. 

all pics from tokyo first day

 Here I had lunch, which was very tasty.

all pics from tokyo first day And this is what I got. I didn’t have to order myself, as I was invited by a person I am working with in Tokyo. 

all pics from tokyo first day Lost souls in the perfect simulation of worlds.

all pics from tokyo first day This picture somehow resonates well with the lost souls. But how?



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15 hours flying

So i will leave Mexico City in a couple of hours, heading towards Tokyo. This weekend was mostly about relaxing and preparing my stay in Tokyo, but I walked around the city here a little bit, although due to heavy rain it wasnt always a pleasure.

more photos from mex city

 Folkloristic police around Alameda Central. 

more photos from mex city

Freaks! They are everywhere! Freak alarm.

more photos from mex city

This is not the church of Osram. But it wouldnt be so far away from lightbulbs to Fiat lux to god.

more photos from mex city

The Mexican people as very much into death and they even worship death with bizarre items.

more photos from mex city

But even more they are into wrestling and super heroes. I went to a wrestling event close by the place i stay and it was an all family event. People were shouting and screaming as if life would end during the shows.

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