People tell me different things: some say I should not walk around on my own, others say it is not a problem. I think it is not a problem, in fact I think the Lahorites are happy to see a foreigner in the city, as they are very rare. I have not seen a single european since I am here.
This is a normal street in the center of Lahore, where common people buy stuff. Live goes on and I think this is what it should be, because the attacks are explicitly trying to breakdown public life and provoke a state of emergency – especially since the attack on a university in Islamabad.
We stopped at night to use the restrooms of McDont, where all cars where carefully security checked, while this fellow was holding his nice ballons.
There is an amusement park, open till late, where the middleclass and up go with their kids to have fun. It was good to see that these things are happening.
The wonnderfully coloured busses are real eyecatcher in the very stressful traffic, which is harsher than in Delhi.
This is the barber every writer wants to write about. And I have found him! I will not tell where he runs his business.
The old fort, dating back to 13th Century, but most of it is from 17th century. Impressing, though inside a bit in a bad shape. Not many tourist these days.
The legendary stairs for the King’s elephants inside the Fort. What a time that has been!
Opposite is the 2nd biggest mosque on this planet, here we are already inside. During peaks, thousands of people gather here to pray.
Islam has multiple faces and this is sufi. We had to go with people that knew the location and it was a bit hard to find. Sufism is underground, although not fordidden. Drummers and a Singer are working hard and great while others are dancing themselves into trance. Of course, there is some help by dope. We arrived at 1.30 in the night and left around 4am. IT was one of my greatest experiences here so far. Sufism is quite sympathic as it is very anti-institutional and every person can claim to have found contact with some divine powers – that is forbidden in christian and islamic hegemonial branches of belief.